>>15318098>I'm a communistWhich one of the 10 requests in the 2nd chapter of your commie trannyfesto is your favorite?
The monopolization of banking with ZOG central bank? Or the abolition of family? Perhaps the equal obligation to work? Or just boring vanilla abolition of private property?
>>15318143>conservative "kill all commies" types.Why would we want you to survive one more second? We read your trannyfesto and see the history of what you did racially genociding Russians and Germans with Bolshevism and London-Moscow-JewYork WW2. You hate civilization (person + freedom + property, as from 1215 Carta Magna, faggot) so we hate you back and urgently need to weed you out as the terrorist anti-society that all of you are.
>NATO fans or people who love cops aren't subtleWe don't love violent cops; we appreciate honest cops; we should have distributed security with one mandatory known weapon per home.
>NATO fansWe hate all the mafia structures created by the Jew and Jewlovers to tax, oppress, harass and destroy Western civilization, from the 30 Year War all the way to WW2 (NATO, CIA, UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, MLK, neocons, EU, the 2008 crisis, covid, Zelensky)