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Meltzer: “The WWE locker room is very divided right now”

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>You know, by every metric the WWE is doing good to great right now. They’re extremely profitable, but, uh, they are absolutely having problems attracting new talent. And that’s reflected, you know, in the current locker room, too. There’s a group of guys, group of guys and women, and they’re kind of the more wrestling-focused stars. And, you know, there’s this perceived idea that WWE is “cinema”. You see that word online all the time, right? But that’s not wrestling, that’s sports entertainment. But you’ve got some guys like, say, Gargano. And I’m not saying him as an example, you know, but he’s somebody that’s good at wrestling. He’s very good. But he’s not a strong promo, uh, he’s not a strong character. So they make him into a DX wannabe guy. And, you know, that’s kind of embarrassing. So, uh, yeah, the locker room is kind of split on this stuff. Very divided.