>>15321454 I don't think anyone in their right mind would be interested in Keith Lee in 2024 as a wrestler, you'd have to build his fat ass up from scratch, again and his health issues are widely known.
It's not impossible, maybe he has got some miles in WWE for example. I guess he'd got a chance having good meat-on-meat matches with Bronson, Otis and possible returning Ivar, maybe Michin might put in a word for him but how much does that amount to for this stay-at-home-wrestler is questionable at best. Tony offering him any contract that basically allows him to sit at home and watch House of Dragon is probably the best option for him.
Malagay is so irrelevant anywhere outside AEW it's laughable, he's Wimp Lo and is trained to work hard to stay in midcard irrelevancy for the rest of his career and AEW atleast afford him the crayons he eats. And if Buddy signing is any indication, he'll sign another contract and flip some light switches for 4 more years.