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TEW IX Dev Blog Day 19

No.15327421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 18 >>15318902

Removing Children From Alliances
>If playing as a parent company, the user can automatically expel or remove their child companies from alliances when required. This removes the aggravation of not being able to do so that previously existed.

Inactive Title Warning
>The player's assistant will now flag up if an active (non-annual) title has not been defended for more than two weeks, helping to avoid people forgetting about lesser belts.

Monthly Legal Costs
>Monthly legal costs, based upon the month's profits, have been added to help stop large companies from amassing great fortunes too easily. This is part of the aforementioned measures to try and make the financial system more realistic.

Separate Stable Logos
>By request, stable logos now have a separate folder in which they're stored (as oppose to being in with the company logos), making things easier to organise for database makers.

Renaming Large
>By request, the Large company size has been renamed to Huge in order to make it easier to identify on the scale.

Spillover Application
>By request, when editing popularity the database maker can now automatically apply spillover with a single click.

Public Broadcasters
>By request, the broadcasting term 'free-to-air' has been renamed to 'public' in order to be clearer to people in countries where that term isn't regularly used.

Scripted Dialogue Setting
>The ability to set the default on whether angle dialogue should be scripted or improvised has been added to a company's product in order to save the user time.

Setting Hiring Rules
>The player can now alter the hiring rules for their own company via the office screen. Previously you'd have to visit the editor to do this, so it's just a small quality of life change.