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TEW IX Dev Blog Day 20

No.15335477 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 19 >>15327421

>In previous games, celebrities were limited to being unnamed optional extras for events; for TEW IX, by popular request, they are now named characters who can interact fully with the game world. They are added to the Workers section, meaning they can be modeled in the same way as any other character, and are identified by a Celebrity field - which can be A-List, B-List, C-List, D-List, Z-List or Fad - to show how big of a star they are. (Fad would be a low-level celebrity who is only active for a short period of time - a "flash in the pan" if you will.)

>If a worker is set as being a celebrity, they gain certain special rules. The main one is that having them on a show automatically boosts the attendance, with the size of the boost relating to their celebrity level - e.g. an A-List celebrity will bring in a lot more people. Their level also affects how often they'll sign deals and what their demands would be, the minimum size of company they'll deal with, how long they'll remain actively available to accept bookings, etc. Additionally, celebrities have some special restrictions on their usage and interactions (for example, their popularity doesn't get affected by how they're booked, they don't become involved in backstage incidents, they will only sign one deal at a time, etc, etc) to keep things realistic and stop them being exploited. A full list of the celebrity rules is included in the game's handbook.