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Why /pw/ Is a Ghost Town Right Now? Here's Why

No.15357180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A mod went and nuked the Drew McIntyre and Jack Perry selfie threads and gave everyone who participated in those threads a 3 day ban

I was the OP of one of those threads and their excuse for banning me and nuking the thread was that it was not "wrestling related" (PLEASE SEE WEBM FOR PROOF)

I have sent an email to Hiroyuki Nishimura because this is fucking ridiculous

Either WWE emailed the site and asked for those threads to be taken down or one of the mods is a big CM Punk fan that didn't like the direction the threads were going. Whatever the case, it's extremely gay and mods needs to explain what the fuck happened here because a bunch of people got fucking banned for no fucking reason for not even the mildest thing