>>15432110You're rejecting my argument which is different from my not having one.
I'll expand on it considering you're a fucking retard and need a little handholding
>(((Business Interests))) don't give a shit about the viewer experience at all>if you let them on the mat, they'll start moving to advertisements on tights>hell, they'd tattoo DUDE WIPES on Cody Rhodes' forehead if he'd let them and you're retarded if you believe otherwise>b-but le slippery slope is a fallacyIt really isn't and that other anon conveniently brought up the sport of boxing, which has been Jew'd into irrelevancy by the intrusion of big money.
There hadn't been a fight for a unified heavyweight boxing championship since 2009 until this year. And it's because the corrupt money interests which have created corrupt 'governing bodies' and 'boxing commissions' like the WBC, the IBF, etc, have become so ingrained in what boxing is that you can no longer get rid of them, and they quarrel among themselves and make back channel deals.
It's disgusting and your flaccid acceptance of this type of behavior makes you the worst type of person: the apathetic enabler.
Fuck you.