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>God... I don't really know what to say but it's a hell of a damn match for the most part but some things rub me the wrong way about it.
>What's the fat dude called? Sam Sikoa? (Co-host corrects him) Solo Sikoa, yeah. That guy's a hell of a worker and they don't let him do anything. It's bizarre. Reminds me a bit about how Vince used to tell me to tone my work down, fucking pointless.
>The big dude, Jacob Fatu - this guy's an animal but he lacks psychology, not much else to say.
>Roman? Roman is Roman. Never really been a big fan in terms of ring work because I don't see him do anything special. Stop punching dudes (Co-host does OOOOAAAAAAA) Yeah, what the fuck is that shit. Do something special. At least Feed Me More took some thought.
>Cody is a genius, I still chat to him every so often. Remember that Wrestlemania match ("You mean the Ryback vs Rhodes match?") Yeah, he was really into it. We were doing this fantasy booking shit once haha, I love Cody.
>The thing is, I knew about this match beforehand because I heard from some of the old writers that Hunter was going to offer me a deal and get me in there instead of Roman. I think they wanted me and Cody to run a program but no matter what money was on the table, I'd have said no. Hunter probably knew that and went back because it's been a bit of a stand off with me and him.
>We both know the money we're leaving on the table if I'm not back at WWE but it's pride now ("Yeah, no-one wants to back down") Right, it's pride. I'm sure I'll get back there eventually and we'll cut a deal but right now I'm doing better than I ever did in the midcard at the E.
>What's the fat dude called? Sam Sikoa? (Co-host corrects him) Solo Sikoa, yeah. That guy's a hell of a worker and they don't let him do anything. It's bizarre. Reminds me a bit about how Vince used to tell me to tone my work down, fucking pointless.
>The big dude, Jacob Fatu - this guy's an animal but he lacks psychology, not much else to say.
>Roman? Roman is Roman. Never really been a big fan in terms of ring work because I don't see him do anything special. Stop punching dudes (Co-host does OOOOAAAAAAA) Yeah, what the fuck is that shit. Do something special. At least Feed Me More took some thought.
>Cody is a genius, I still chat to him every so often. Remember that Wrestlemania match ("You mean the Ryback vs Rhodes match?") Yeah, he was really into it. We were doing this fantasy booking shit once haha, I love Cody.
>The thing is, I knew about this match beforehand because I heard from some of the old writers that Hunter was going to offer me a deal and get me in there instead of Roman. I think they wanted me and Cody to run a program but no matter what money was on the table, I'd have said no. Hunter probably knew that and went back because it's been a bit of a stand off with me and him.
>We both know the money we're leaving on the table if I'm not back at WWE but it's pride now ("Yeah, no-one wants to back down") Right, it's pride. I'm sure I'll get back there eventually and we'll cut a deal but right now I'm doing better than I ever did in the midcard at the E.