>>15433650The logical conclusion if you look at the history of it all, intelligence agencies involvement, mob involvement, cult involvement, military involvement you'll figure it out. Pretty accepted Epstein recorded and blackmailed powerful people fucking kids, he's linked to mossad, MI6 and the CIA. FBI since the 50s have been blackmailing people with similar tapes. Then you look at cases like John D Norman and his connections to various rings and people like Paske, Dean Corll, and Gacy then you look at a multitude of cults with connections to them then you look at people like Michael Aquino and his connections as well and it paints a picture. Then past that you have The Finders, BBC's scandal that ran deeper than Saville, Dutroux, Frankland Scandal, Elizabeth Loftus (Legal for: bundy, oj, durst, buono and most importantly weinstein and ghislaine) and the False Memory Foundations connections to MKULTRA, Scientology and paedophilic cults themselves while being invented to cover up said abuse etc. satanic ritual abuse is real, snuff films are real, red rooms are real etc.
This however is probably nothing, most likely some shitty mma tat that "means something to him" like all his shitty tats. Also to all the "trans pedos" "muh lefties are pedos" types, the False Memory Foundation while running cover for pedo rings of all types/being in them themselves also were the people behind Rapid-onset gender dysphoria as a theory ever coming to prominence. The most anti-trans medical pushes came from an organization briming to the top with paedophiles who run cover for other paedophiles.