You're legitimately retarded if you think AEW is good wrestling. Its a bunch of dorky midgets doing yardtard spots and random flips so the 1500 people in attendance go "ooooooooohhhhhhhh" every 2-3 minutes and then sit in silence for everything else. No one in AEW with the exception of Danielson, and maybe Ospreay is actually over or someone anyone gives a shit about other than to watch them flip and fall off something. No one has any charisma, no one gives a shit about what they're doing because Tony pays them guaranteed money regardless, and the result is a boring meaningless product that no one has any reason to watch or care about. Made worse by the fact everything in the show, no matter who, or what it is, is done with a fake ass "haha you the intelligent viewer knows everything is fake, but surely you will appreciate this regardless, even though it as, as we the performer, and you the viewer, both know, fake"
Anyone who actually defends the current AEW product is either a shill or a legitimate retard who would get more of a thrill out of watching bumfights or stunt fail compilations