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Soooooo, can we finally discuss the frame job on Benoit?

No.15479300 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
With Sullivan dead, the actual murderer dies, too. However, this does nothing to let the souls of Nancy, Daniel, and especially Chris rest. Today, I will outline the specifics of the murder, as I do every so often, in the hopes that this gets traction on the mainstream.
>4 days before the murder, Chris’ neighbors see “men in robes” on his lawn with torches ablaze
>Police arrive the next morning and fine the residue from those torches burning, but this is never followed up on
>Police find a “ceremonial dagger” under Daniel’s bed. You can see it for yourself in crime scene photos. This was stolen from the evidence locker 6 weeks after the murder and ever followed up on
>Kevin Sullivan deposited 7 checks worth 70,000 over the next 7 weeks. Paid out by an unknown individual who seemingly does not exist
> Wikipedia was edited the night of the murders, this was dismissed as “a prank” by the media
>Kevin Sullivan is instantly back in the good graces of WWE after this. Benoit, meanwhile, is effectively erased from history.
>A powerful Satanic ritual involves destroying the soul of your victim, gaining the power of everything they would have done in their life. Benoit was pencilled in to win the ECW title. And, most likely, he would have gone on to win many more titles before retiring to the Hall of Fame. Sullivan and his cronies stole that power.