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No.15500370 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>arrive at the brothel for your appointment 15 minutes early as you didn't want to risk being late and losing allotted time
>maid tells you the prostitute you booked is still with the previous punter but leads you to an empty bedroom to wait in and closes the door behind her
>you can hear her still getting railed hard in the other room
>you wonder if her moaning and yelps are legit, fake or somewhere in between
>you wonder how attractive she'll actually be - her face on the website profile was blurred out and the pics were small, low res, taken at weird angles and on top of that visibly airbrushed
>you decide to pass the time on your phone by playing a game or browsing /pw/
>you can't really focus as you're nervous and aroused as hell
>you keep going anyway because you want to cool down a bit, don't want to be so worked up that you cum straight away once the session begins
>the pound sounds and orgasmic screams reach a thunderous crescendo, then quickly quieten down
>you wonder if she really came
>you wonder if she's going to expect you to make her cum too and will laugh at you if you don't
>you wonder just how wet and loose her pussy is at this point
>you take this moment to undress in order to maximize your time with her
>after a few minutes the noise increases again, they're talking to each other and laughing
>you hear their door open and the voices become louder and clearer, now with the maid joining in with the conversational frivolity
>you move close to your door to get a better listen in
>the sounds become fainter as the conversation moves to the other end of the apartment, by the main door
>the women say their final goodbyes to the man, and the main door closes behind him
>you hear a few more murmurs of conversation between the women
>you're pressing your ear right up against the door trying to get a reading of what they're saying to each other