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No.15502715 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>It wasn't the bucks.
>It wasn't perry.
>It wasn't hangman.
>It wasn't Tony.
>It was the women.
Phil truly thought he was just going to waltz right in and have any woman he wanted, only to be bitch slapped by reality. His ego couldn't handle the fact that his shtick didn't work on them. They saw him for what he was, a creepy old man trying to get in thier pants. A phony who never had any respect for women and women's wrestling. They probably rib him by stringing him along. By making him think that he had a chance with them. Only for them to pull the rug out from under him. And laugh at him when his pathetic attempts failed. What made it even more embarrassing and humiliating for him, was the fact that all the boys knew what was happening, and were laughing behind his back. Because of all this he started lashing out on everyone. And that's the true story of why Phil left aew.