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Where is the lie?

No.15520549 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>In that era of guys, too, those were men. You into a dressing room nowadays and it’s a lot different.
>I remember walking into my first real dressing room, and all I saw were some crusty f***ing men. Half of them were real shooters, because you had to protect the business. You had to protect yourself first off if you were a heel in a bad town.
>I was one of the bigger... better shooters I should say, 6'10''-6'11'' when I was in my prime. And I was 330 pounds at the time. You think anybody f***ed with me? I could've been UFC champion in my prime. And it's more than me, you had guys like Harley Race who was a bad, crusty son of a b*itch. Haku, even MMA guys will tell you how bad ass that guy is.
>Now you walk in, there’s guys playing video games and checking social media and doing makeup f***ing making sure they look pretty. It’s evolution, I guess. I don’t know what it is, but I just like those eras, man. I liked when men were men and being a tough guy was a good thing.