>>15533692>what happened?NOTHING LOL
>"Isn't that the best kind of wrestling surprise when you know something is coming and you want it and it's exciting, but you're not sure when it's going to happen? You have that feeling it's going to happen."This is actually really fucking sad. Reading between the lines of this statement I think Tony has genuinely convinced himself that WBD is going to renew AEW any day now. He FEELS it's going to happen. But Tony doesn't have any timetable on a renewal because WBD have essentially abandoned contract negotiations. That's why he isn't sure when it's "going" to happen. In his mind, any time now, Zaslav will call him up and say "OKAY TONY WE'RE GIVING YOU THAT NEW DEAL YOU WANTED!". Imminently. It's on the horizon. It's coming. Yup. Any time.