>>15579900Punk had 2 contracts, and thus 2 salaries in AEW. One of which gave him full employee status and the associated perks/benefits that come with that (healthcare etc)
There is literally 0 chance he is making more money now in WWE where he had to go crawling back because he has literally no place else left to go in teh industry, plus we know that Drew McIntyre at least is making more money than him because he chimped out about it backstage and demanded to restructure his contract for more money and then leaked out that shit about how he'd love to run NXT one day and have a job for life there etc to get the seals like you barking about "ZOMG CM PUNK RUN NXT SO BASED HIME GIME WANT"
He plays you all like complete fools and puppets and you don't even see it. Even when he admits it right in front of your eyes.`
And if Drew McIntyre is getting paid more than Punk, then everyone above Drew in the pecking order of WWE is definitely getting more.
Punk kwabbed himself out of the most lucrative money making deal he'd ever been handed in this industry by a guy who literally worshipped the ground he walked on. Now he is working for peanuts in the same promotion he swore blind for years he'd never go crawling back to and that he made his name off of being an eternal enemy of. There is nothing "Punk" about him anymore. And the day they make him go to Saudi because he can't say no to them is going to be very, very funny.