God damnit /pw/, I am literally crying right now.
Of course, my fucking stupid friend decides it would be a good idea to order a pizza, and suddenly it's my job to call and order. If I ask someone else to do it I'll look fucking stupid, and how fucking hard can it be, right?
I call the number and of course, a fucking girl picks up. God damnit.
Around the fourth or fifth 'hello?" I manage to stop hyperventilating and respond. She doesn't acknowledge my strangeness. I haven't ordered pizza in years, and I don't remember how the conversation goes, but she walks me through it. I agree to every fucking little side deal she offers, because of course it's a fucking girl.
Now my bank is going to be overdrawn and I think I hear the pizza guy at the door and I'm trying to look like I haven't just been bawling my eyes out over a phone call and my friends are wondering why I locked myself in the bathroom for the last twenty minutes
god damnit how much should I tip the pizza guy