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No.15608678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sorry cord. Straight up. Your act/shtick is beyond boring. You don't do anything but samefag ignored recycled/reposted threads all day every day. Your meme is dead. Threads ignored. You have no growth or end game. And you're never going viral. It's been over half a decade.

You don't work us. Nor did you ever regardless of what you think. Your meme died 2 years ago the moment Nash talked about it on his pod.

We will still mock you from time to time. And it was fun ruining your lifes work and watching you seethe at getting dose of own medicine. And see you lose your minds and do crazy things like cyber stalk randoms you think is us. But it's old and boring now and has been for long time desu.

Like I'm kinda moving on. Bc your threads have no effect. Your threads don't bother me for all reasons listed. And I've met a girl and you know how it goes... well actually don't think you do. But you can probably imagine if I'm balls deeps in my bird... safe to say I don't one shit about your dead meme spam threads.