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No.15727786 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
update: barely been here past few days, fucked girl Ive been seeing for past week in car 2 days ago, took her to see The Crow movie last night, her hand down my pants entire movie, and I slid finger up her, took her back to mine, she was so horny but I told her no sex, just making out, which was just manipulation, until she was litereallly begging me to put inside her haha, was gonna make thread mocking you after but was so tired I fell alseep after all the fucking I did

also im still LOL you low iq incels failed to go viral after all your pathetic hype, the level of moron you have to be to think spamming on twitter would do anything, your meme is dead and was exposed as BS yrs ago

p.s. paying for cameo would have been even more of a fail since all it does is prove we work you out of your own money to try and own us PLUS it not gonna go viral either

see you idiots persist with the boring shit still now but seems like the murks are starting to work again, so keep wasting your time/life you losers incel faggot virgins lol

also LOVE how we cut you deep with our mocking of you, It really effects you, you go out of your way to try and go viral SIMPLY bc us (randoms on internet) mock you're sad loser lives of samefag spamming gay fanfic about 65 yr old ex wrestler on dead wrestling board haha

My god you people have saddest fuckers on earth!