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No.15753040 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Iyo Sky is often viewed as a weak link within WWE’s women’s division due to several glaring flaws. First, her promo skills are highly underwhelming. In an industry where compelling storytelling and character development are essential, Iyo struggles significantly on the mic. Her inability to deliver convincing or memorable promos limits her ability to connect with fans on a deeper level, making her character forgettable and lacking charisma.

Additionally, her wrestling style is overly reliant on high-risk maneuvers, which often come off as reckless rather than polished. This reliance on flashy moves instead of solid, grounded technical wrestling leads to inconsistencies in her matches. Botches and awkward landings are not uncommon in her performances, which can detract from the overall quality of her matches and make her seem less reliable in the ring.

Her transition to WWE’s main roster has further exposed her shortcomings. In an environment that emphasizes storytelling and pacing, Iyo’s lack of adaptability is evident. She often appears out of sync with her opponents, and her matches can feel disjointed. Overall, her inability to evolve her style to fit WWE’s expectations shows her limitations as a performer in the world’s biggest wrestling company.

Furthermore, Iyo's character work has been another significant flaw. Since debuting on the main roster, her personality has failed to make any lasting impact. She lacks the kind of presence that resonates with mainstream audiences, and her current portrayal often feels shallow and one-dimensional. As a result, she struggles to stand out in a competitive division that features women who excel at blending in-ring performance with compelling personas. Without an engaging character or strong connection with the audience, Iyo Sky remains a wrestler who relies too heavily on in-ring ability without developing the necessary skills to become a complete, well-rounded superstar.