didn't fake his injuries Randy Orton's voices were right and 4chan users out of everyone else should be "edgy" enough to realise that. She did have enough strength to rape Kevin Nash it's just that she was too young at the time maybe Triple H also got raped by Chyna and that's the reason why the Kliq and Stephanie gave him such a big push after getting totally buried by Warrior back in 1996 maybe the reason Bret Hart hates Triple H so much isn't merely because of the screwjob but pure jealousy for being able to be a perfectly safe competitor who had awesome cooperation with legends like Undertaker despite his failure in being credited for his "technical" skills like Owen Hart who deserved jail if not for the death sentence he got due to his rope accident. Beth Phoenix expressed admiration for Owen Hart no one acknowledges Triple H he's the best wrestler after Steve Austin who needed to replace him due to the neck injury that Owen Hart caused The Rock is overrated he only got popular for being more feminine than Chyna and of course Beth Phoenix who was perhaps not coincidentally compared to cisgender Umaga rather than Batista or Brock Lesnar despite her sexy muscular body that was big without being fat