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No.15794036 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What unpopular opinion(s) do you have about this man?

His diehard fanbase goes a bit over the top about how great he is. Poor Mans Christ Benoit. I don’t think he was all that great on the mic. Couldn’t drum much real heat as a heel. He got reactions as a babyface but he didn't draw. Weak physique. Too small to believably beat anyone.

The BCC is a terrible stable, that and they just let him go out and have "dream matches" against random guys with no story or build and they let him take a ton of unnecessary risks. The dude's been injured more than he's been healthy in AEW.

I can think of dozens of guys his size I'd rather watch wrestle and don't get why he is gets praised as the god of wrestling. I'd guess like him b/c he’s a small try-hard and people can relate to his small stature. Most fans know they will never have the charisma, the look & talent of a Roman Reigns.

That said don't let this distract you from the fact that Daniel R Bryan had his rectum destroyed beyond repair against his consent by a sizable group of shady ebony individuals as he entered a dark alley in the summer of 2010.