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Joshi Ace Debate

No.15795414 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the first /pw/ Joshi Ace Debate.

Our candidates are Natsupoi and Saki Kashima.

Participants are invited to make arguments in favor of their favorite candidate or against their candidate's opponent. Each argument must consist of an image along with either an argument in favor of their candidate or against their opponent.

Arguments will be scored as follows. Doubles will count as a point, either for a candidate or against their opponent depending on the argument made (arguments against will be deducted from the opponent's tally). Triples mean you're a cucked bitch who shit the bed and will either count in favor of the opponent or against the candidate your Kevin Nash ass meant to support. Quads mean you made a particularly strong argument and will count as four points. Quints or higher mean you made a show stopper argument and will count as ten.

Arguments must be directed to the last successful argument made. Misdirected arguments will function as triples but retain point value.

Scores will be tallied up at the end and the winner announced at a later date. Results will stand for at least a month, after which another debate may be declared.

Good luck.