>>15828028I get it. Gaytch is the flavor of the month today. I lived through his reign of terror, and I remember his boring monologues that used to open every damn show. Gaytch always thought too highly of himself, classed in with the real stars of the Attitude Era such as Austin, Rock, Foley, and Taker. Gaytch was the B+ player that he claimed Bryan was in that promo. It was projection. And no, I'm not saying Bryan was on the level of those other stars either. I'm just pointing out that Gaytch has never been a top guy. He's never had the charisma. And that's what it takes to get over the hump. RVD had it. Booker had it. Scott Steiner had it. Kurt Angle had it (yes, Angle would have been even bigger if not for Gaytch's meddling). Gaytch even infamously tried to hold down Rock and Austin but it didn't work because Bret backed both and then Austin backed Rock once he had more pull. Gaytch also buried Test who was just starting to get over, then did it again a few years later when he finally got his life together. Not saying Test would have been a huge star but Gaytch still got jealous of his kayfabe relationship with Stephanie. Test later killed himself.
I don't give a shit about AEW, so don't think this is some anti WWE post. I have despised Triple H for over two decades. He has never shown any sign that he's changed. And now he's responsible for pushing shitters like Gargano, encouraged Walter to lose weight and become Mr. Skelington and lose all of his aura (he could have been the new Vader), and is directly responsible for the dimeless womemes revolution. Fuck Triple H.
>inb4 your seethingYou're damn right.