>>15894669You forgot the most important one for people who actually read the newsletter. Dave's mind has degraded to the point that the average ESL shitposter on the Pee Dub has better grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, and flow of thought. Like there are some good weeks were the newsletter almost resembles what it looked like a decade ago, but most weeks it is a rambling incoherent mess. Before I cancelled it was really common for Dave to start a thought, suddenly start talking about something completely unrelated, and then end the sentence without reaching a conclusion or using punctuation to signal the sentence had ended. I made one comment about it on the boards earlier this year, and Dave spent 15 minutes of a show talking about now non of that matters and how real subscribers would no what he meant.
I can not take a man presenting himself as a serious journalist seriously if he thinks the most basic grasp of the English language is "unimportant."
No matter how much you think Dave is a rambling mess on WOL, he is way worse in WON.