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Quoted By: >>15913277 >>15913330 >>15915708 >>15916800 >>15916892 >>15917001
Going thru this show. Why is wrestling so often portrayed as some weird mix of work and shoot? Everyone knows it's scripted. Fake if you will.
Still, shows like this one and The Iron Claw try to make you think that wrestling is real, often to the detriment of the show.
I'd much rather know about the politics behind the scenes than have some hack director try to convince me that this specific match in 1989 was actually a shoot.
Thar said, I'm enjoying the show. It's fun to learn a bit about joshi wrestling, even if I have to fact check shit.
Still, shows like this one and The Iron Claw try to make you think that wrestling is real, often to the detriment of the show.
I'd much rather know about the politics behind the scenes than have some hack director try to convince me that this specific match in 1989 was actually a shoot.
Thar said, I'm enjoying the show. It's fun to learn a bit about joshi wrestling, even if I have to fact check shit.