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>“Netflix’s Mr. McMahon documentary series portrays the death of my husband, Owen Hart, as a mere accident. It also allows the disgraced former owner and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Vince McMahon, to claim that Owen’s death ‘wasn’t our fault.’ Nothing could be further from the truth. The real truth is that on May 23rd, 1999, out of a desire to cut costs and achieve a ‘quick release’ effect that a rigging expert specifically warned against, WWE hired unqualified riggers to arrange a stunt in which Owen was to rappel from the rafters during a wrestling event. As a result, the riggers used incorrect equipment that caused Owen to fall to his death. It was pure negligence that killed my husband.” >“What the documentary fails to mention is that the equipment used was never meant for a rappelling stunt. Instead, a harness meant for dragging stunt people behind cars on movie shoots was used with a sailboat clip meant to release on load with only six pounds of pressure. Had the WWE hired qualified riggers who followed proper protocol that included redundancy, as is typical practice, and used the correct equipment, Owen would not have died that night.” Martha also revealed that no one involved in the making of the documentary reached out to her for comment or to provide an accurate perspective on the incident, leaving the story incomplete and misleading. >“To be clear, no one involved in the making of this documentary attempted to contact me for comment or to obtain an accurate perspective. I continue to hold WWE and its then-management responsible for Owen’s death. I refuse to let Vince McMahon or anyone else rewrite that history.”
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>>15972970 Ruh-roh, raggy.
>>15972940 This dumb bitch always has some irrelevant comment or opinion about everything.
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>>15972940 owen was sacrificed
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it's been 30 years, get over it whore
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>>15972982 Shut up Vince you big poof
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>>15972940 I want to make love to this hag to make her change her mind
>>15972940 I Completely understand her and would be as bitter as she is in the same position, but it is really tiresome.
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>>15972940 Martha can't stand fuckin' riggers
>>15972940 Bros, how do I get a girl who would relentlessly fight for me even 25 years after I die?
>>15972940 Vince killed Owen as payback against Bret. There, I said it.
>>15973012 Now imagine how she feels having to recall her children's father's death every day she wakes up. Always some shitter making statements like yours.
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Reminder Owen wouldn't have been doing that gimmick if you just weren't a bitch about the love angle with Debra.
She usually stays quiet about this shit unless it's brought up. They brought it up. The documentary was shit anyways, it was another "retelling of WWE history" that everyone has seen 100 million times already. The only difference is hearing Vince talk about it instead of Vince having his employees say his words for him.
>>15973044 Happens to many women every day. Why is Martha special? Should she be held above other people in that position who manage to go through their day without publicly seething? I feel bad for Martha, but she's not unique in her loss, she's unique in that she uses her loss to keep HER name in the papers.
>>15973077 Found the autist.
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kek I remember Craig Kilborn making fun of Owen, Darwin Award winner 1999, for dying like a retard and all the wrestling nerds getting pissed and sending him death threats.
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>>15973077 >Should she be held above other people in that position who manage to go through their day without publicly seething? How many people have it constantly shoved in their face or have it used to make money off of like with this documentary?
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>>15973017 Not sure what happens behind closed doors but kudos to her for never remarrying or even dating after Owen’s death
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>>15972982 her public comments and opinions are pretty much only about how WWE got her husband killed
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>>15972940 >or to obtain an accurate perspective Anonymous
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>>15973076 it was clearly originally intended to be a fluff piece to promote WWE on Netflix to normies who don't watch wrestling, then the sex scandal broke during production so they went with that halfway through production
Vince deserve a brutal death for all his sins i hope he gets raped killed on Jail by Black Men
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>martha fart still seething
>>15973126 I hope (YOU) gets raped killed on Jail by Black Men!
Owen was a fucking based wrestler. His feud with Bret is one of wrestling’s all-time greatest series of matches/stroylines. I will never forgive Vince for letting him die like that. It was fucking awful. I can’t even image how fucked up that would be to see your spouse/father like that. Fuck Vince.
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>>15973136 Good morning sirs
>>15972940 >It's a day that ends in Y and a Hart is claiming that everything is a conspiracy against them and every wrestling promotion that's ever minorly inconvenienced them is evil. Anonymous
>>15973137 Owen was a middling talent carried by Bret to a decent feud who floundered outside of that run in 1994.
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>>15972940 That's not how it went down but I refuse to waste energy on this evil cunt.
>>15972940 >So then i cut the cord and he plunged 50 feet Anonymous
>>15973159 >minorly inconvenienced them God damn you faggots are such cultists lol "must defend Vince"
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>>15973162 This, He was just the nugget guy at the time he died.
>>15972940 I believe Owen committed suicide. I would. Image waking up one day and seeing that. Seeing it without make-up. Grim.
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>>15972940 Was Martha hot in her younger years? and what is her foot game like?
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>>15973017 Have your death be valuable to her, at least 20 million.
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>>15973200 Vince killed him to take revenge on Bret he also killed Eddie and Benoit
>>15973017 Would never happen nowadays. She'd livestream your death, and then she'd produce an inspirational TikTok about how she's moving on, culminating with her in the hands of her new black lover.
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>WWE hired unqualified niggers to arrange a stunt in which Owen was to rappel from the rafters during a wrestling event. As a result, the niggers used incorrect equipment that caused Owen to fall to his death. It was pure negligence that killed my husband.” I know she's mad but she doesn't need to be racist.
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>>15973022 Wrong. Vince killed Owen as a receipt for Austin. The Montreal screw job was a work.
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>>15972940 >I continue to hold WWE and its then-management responsible for Owen’s death. I refuse to let Vince McMahon or anyone else rewrite that history. She says this but actions-wise she blames Owen for his own death, she blames his career for it, but she'll never admit this. She never once said that it wasn't Owen's fault
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>>15972940 >>15972970 if anything the HRIC should have had to answer for it
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>>15973017 She a ride or die bitch
Frankly there should be trophies named after her she a total queen
I'm going to say this because no one else did. Why am I the only one who thinks Martha looks like Owen? They aren't siblings but may as well be. She has the same posture, the same nose, the same goddamn resting face.
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>>15972940 >portrays the death of my husband, Owen Hart, as a mere accident. Negligence is still an accident ya dumb broad, unless she's really insinuating the WWF murdered Owen Hart which is insanity.
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>>15973384 The reincarnation process glitched out and duplicated a soul. Fate had to course correct by killing one of them off since souls like that can't be merged together on the same cycle.
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>>15973384 it happens with alot of married couples
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>disgraced former owner and CEO kek
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>>15973044 Or she could get therapy and move on with her life like most widows.
>>15972940 "RIGGERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this arena before. There could be RIGGERS anywhere." The cool harness felt good against his chest. "I HATE RIGGERS" he thought. Chopping Block from Gravity Music reverberated in the arena, making it pulsate even as the $11 beer circulated through his veins and washed away his (merited) fear of safety professionals after dark. "With a harness, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
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>>15973213 Wait? Are you telling me Martha didn't run off with Terri Runnels and Ryan Shamrock to Woodstock 99 to get into mud orgies with a bunch of hippies two months later?
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>>15972940 I hate
>unqualified riggers Anonymous
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I can save her.
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>>15972940 >It was Vince's fault! >It was the riggers fault! >It was Goldberg's fault! Why are the Harts always crying about other people?
>>15973079 Oh, I've found a few in this thread.
From the multiple posters saying
>can you believe the nerve of this bitch complaining about Vince killing her husband like just get over it already to the one guy going
>since Owen was a midcarder it's ok he died, and/or maybe even deserved it for not being more dimes Anonymous
>>15973159 >>It's a day that ends in Y and a Hart is claiming that everything is a conspiracy against them and every wrestling promotion that's ever minorly inconvenienced them is evil. I mean you're not wrong, but the ones left alive really just kinda bitch about the company's that played roles in killing their family members, and it's mostly just the one company unless your name is bret.
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>>15973735 Bro thought he cooked
what's funny about this is her language leaves the door open to talk with WWE's current management, but edrones are genuinely deranged and continue attacking her
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>had to double check when I got up to "unqualified riggers" I've spent too long on this site.
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I think the real tragedy here is Owen Hart is remembered not for the great and athletic wrestler that he was but by Martha’s constant bitching and by Tony Khan naming a tournament after him for the sole and only purpose of spiting WWE. Owen would be spinning in his grave if he saw what became of his name
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She's not had sex since 1999 and it sent her mad. inb4 just like you etc.
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>>15972970 this feels like one of those images you saved years ago and finally got to use because there is almost no context where that works. its great
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>>15973825 >>15973929 >Ojama outta nowhere based brown trannoid living in this fat retard's head rent-free
>>15972940 >let me get on the news again to speak about my dead husband again >moving on? what’s that? New husband? What? Anonymous
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>>15973735 Vince didn't kill her you emotional lesbian it was a accident.
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>>15974219 >woman is loyal to her deceased beloved and always defending him >this is bad somehow Anonymous
>>15973017 She would have to be able to grift off your death in perpetuity and become a millionaire off your name.
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>>15975105 clammy, frail incel fingers typed this
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what do you guys think marthas body count has been since owen died? in the hundreds easily.
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>>15972940 Martha needs to get the fuck over it. She's so annoying
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>>15972940 >Wahh wahh my dead husband God damn bitch quit whining
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did they ever perform a toxicology on owens corpse? gaurantee he was on drugs and thats why he fell. he was fucking around with the harness and broke the latch. those things are tight on ur nuts and restrict breathing. and if u were stoned that would really bother you, especially that high in the air, combined with the nervousness of that. the latch didnt just "break" or "falter" something happened that MADE it falter.