>>16027968WWE is vile dog shit when AEW started. You had guys people heard about but haven't really seen, Indie Cody, Kenny, the Bucks, non-Shield Moxley and whoever they could scrounge up from Japan/Indies into this seemingly well produced show. It was like going from WWE Raw to Nitro on WCW, and since WWE was shitting the bed every week, it was a welcomed product at the time. WWE had their paradigm shift from late Vince era to Hunter/TKO era and things changed, the product got better, at least good enough that you weren't as forgiving for all the nonsense AEW was doing once the novelty of it wore off. AEW kept doing the bullshit indie stuff, and people caught on that Tony kind of treats AEW like he opens his toy box, grabs a bunch of toys and books a match based on what came out. Occasionally you'll get some stories, like the Swerve/Page feud, and they pay it off with a syringe in the mouth, wonderful.