>>16069126-Remove frogs and Wojaks. Banning them or forcing them into their own shit meme board the same way this site did Ponies would immediately improve the quality of this site tremendously. They are officially worse than Ponies ever were.
-Remove gay rape spam. The sheer lack of moderation has essentially turned this board into a game of russian roulette.
-Enforce GR3
-Flags are necessary. Too many people pointing fingers at Indians/hispanics to the point it details entire threads. it’s time to see where a lot of this shit is actually coming from.
-Remove all Twitter/reddit/etc post threads that aren’t coming directly from a wrestler, company, or company rep. You can talk about the post on those sites.
-Move all WWE discussion to /tv/. This is a hobbyist board. There are too many employees and investors here who think wrestling fans give a shit about shit like ad revenue, attendance, stock value, quarterly earnings etc and it kills virtually any discussion within this interest. No regular person keeps constant records and tabs like this for something they don’t work for. This is obviously two marketing teams screaming at each other. Take it all there.
And that’s what I would do as King of /pw/.