>>16108465Every single wrestler has done something that you can pick apart if you really want to. What matters is if they can make the crowd believe it. Nobody believes the cooperative dance routines and anime poses that we got from guys like Ospreay and Ricochet. It's cringe and an embarrassment. Only the indie smarks like that shit. Meanwhile, Steve Austin would deliver fake kicks in the corner when he would 'stomp a mud hole', but people loved it. People were so invested in Austin and believed in him, that they bought into it. Same can be said for the Hulkster and his Hulk up routine (back in his 80s prime). What smarks don't understand is that context and crowd work matter more than the wrestling moves themselves. Crowds went more bananas for Austin's mud hole stomping than they do for 99% of the tricky, complicated gymnantics sequences by dimeless ballerina shitters today. What made RVD special was that he could knew how to work and he understood psychology and he could get the public behind him even when the sequences he pulled off may not hold up to scrutiny later on. What matters is the moment. And frankly, the ratings and average crowd sizes today speak for themselves.