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No.16201784 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are cagematch users just spotfest cucks? This was a fuckin classic. It deserves at least a 9.

>it was slow and boring
STFU. It was a great technical back-and-forth and it made much more sense than any Ospreay match. I get that Ospreay tries to do the "fighting spirit" thing and gets criticized for "no selling," which can be a bit misguided, but there is a right way to approach that.

Anyway, enough about Ospreay.

This match, however, was full of selling. It didn’t even feel choreographed; rather, it was like a physical competition. I almost marked out at the end. It didn’t feel like Cody was booked to win—instead, it felt like he genuinely outsmarted Gunther in the end.

But I guess we're living in a postmodern era—the "movies are aware they are movies" era of wrestling—where some people can only enjoy a match if it’s self-aware of being scripted and subverts a cliche spot with a fourth-wall break.