>>16314404>Moxley vs OrangeThis should be a great match but I think they’re leaning too hard into Orange being hurt going into this match. That said, Orange was at his best during his title run where he was being held up by tape. I’m cautiously excited for this match. Needs to be a bloodbath. Passion of the Orange.
>Swerve vs LashleyTo date, I still don’t see what anyone sees in Lashley. I’m shoot more excited for Shelton discovering his inner Brock and mixing his speed with power in the land of the short people. I said it before, I never saw Lashley in TNA so I’m willing to give him a shot here.
>Statlander vs Monelol
>Perry vs GarciaI think this will surprise many as sleeper of the night. I’m surprised there isn’t a gimmick for this match, there really needs to be one.
>Takeshita vs RicochetGonna be an incredible match. Only DCF overbooking can tarnish this match.
>Tag Team 4 WayI really wish this was just Private Party vs Outrunners. Too many cooks. That said, the ingredients are there for this to be an entertaining one at least. It just also has the numbers to be an embarrassing clusterfuck
>Ospreay vs FletcherAnother monthly Match of the Decade by based BillyGOAT. The chemistry between the two will be bonkers.
>Jay vs HangmanAnother really good match up. If not for the International match or Ospreay vs Fletcher this would easily be the best match of the night.
>MJF vs StrongAnother one that could wind up really good or be overbooked to absurdity. Rodrick is a freak of a performer and MJF gets it but none of the booking in this feud makes any sense. I’ll enjoy the match for what it is but I think this will be the match of the night actually killed by shit booking.
>Champagne Celebration.I have no idea what this is or is supposed to be leading to. If it just a live sex celebration, leading to some return or debut, I’m fine with that.
In all, it looks like a fantastic show, honestly.