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/graps/ - Actual pro wrestling discussion

No.16347880 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here are some conversation starters:
>The Steel Cage match: good or bad gimmick?
>Has the Shawn Michaels popularizing the superkick been good or bad for professional wrestling?
>Who has the worst look in wrestling today?
>Is Ric Flair overrated or underrated?
>What is the best ever match under 10 minutes?
>Who is better: Shelton Benjamin or Malakai Black?
>Who is the biggest missed opportunity in wrestling?

This is a thread for actual professional wrestling discussion.

There is literally nowhere good to discuss professional wrestling with non-retards on the internet. Why don't we make one? Will this thread get spammed with shitposts, consolefagging, namefags and people calling other people name fags? Of course. But I will continue to post this thread each day and will genuinely discuss professional wrestling with anyone who wants to have a conversation.
