>>16359046I've seen plenty of Edge matches over the years and the fact that I can hardly recall any of them is a testament to his mediocrity. He's a skinny-fat chode with a goofy looking face. Even when on roids, it was hard to suspend the disbelief that he could stand toe-to-toe with visibly bigger guys like Cena and he didn't adjust his wrestling style based on who he was wrestling (as, for example, Bret Hart or Bryan Danielson would). For a guy of his body type, the spear is a dogshit finisher. All of his signature moves looked weak, and they had SPED names like the "Edge-o-matic." Every word of his promos were scripted, and he only had two modes of delivering them: sometimes he was 'douche who isn't as clever as he thinks he is' but more often than not he was 'douche doing a poor job pretending to be angry.' I wouldn't say he's overrated, because I'd need to actually hear people talk about him to form that judgment. No one talks about him though. Why would they?