>>16380311>who posted Sabu in the same stateI didn't know he did that. In that case is what it is about that photo being posted. I stand by the rest. Addiction must suck. I can't imagine there's a single person who's ever drank or did whatever shit and thought 'I can't wait to ruin my life with this.' Call it dumb or uneducated or poor decision making but it's never anyone's intent. And once they are addicted that's going to be what it's going to be. The addiction calls the shots
>It's like some woman going back to an abusive relationshipThis is something I could only hope you explore some empathy on because that's also not nearly as easy a situation to just flip off like a switch and walk away from. In those cases a lot of it's mental where the abuser will make the victim feel as if they're the only one they have. If they don't outright manipulate their life to make that the case. Then especially as far as women go, there's always the risk of violence if not worse from the guy if she chooses to leave
Maybe this is the wrong place for this. Memes and jokes and whatnot. But life sucks man. At least it sure can real easily and real fast for some people. Again I don't think anyone's every walked into a relationship that ends that way thinking that's what they're getting into