>>16433875>>16433884Sooner or later, you simply begin to recognize his posting style and that smug superiority he espouses by claiming the board and Nash posting is dead when it can't be farther from the truth. His "efforts" to curtail Nashposting by claiming there used to be 14 to 21 threads daily as if any of us are keeping count and that Nashposting doesn't "make waves in the real world" whatever the fuck that's supposed to even mean, when the truth is that there are still SEVERAL Nash threads daily and many of them reach the 300+ post mark and and if the board is so dead, he can fuck off and go to some other forum or at least wash his ass and walk out of his house to try and make a friend but he sure as hell doesn't and thus, here he is. Every fucking day. So New Ontrol resorts to making copy-cat threads, poorly I might add, and he simply talks to himself in them pretending to be other people that agree with him and keep the threads bumped. This is a DAILY occurrence. There's no one else helping him or "we" that he states; its just faggoty old him. Nash memes hit Time Square for fuck sakes and he can't keep babyrape and Samoan ass posting alive at all.
The truth is simply he doesn't inhabit the same reality that the rest of us do and we're all victims of his breaks from that reality and stupid shit he fixates on; chasing invisible enemies, homosexual tendencies, daddy issues, his latent childhood sexual trauma, his superAIDSautismschizophrenia, no social life. Just dumping in his nappy and posting with his boo-boo face on while projecting his inadequacies and delusional mental illness onto the rest of us on a fucking wrestling board.
He deserves and earns every bit of bullying and mockery he gets here, make no mistake about that. It won't stop until he finally decides to troon the fuck out or some brave pack of anons seeks him out at his home and strangle him with his internet cable, the very thing that caused all this horse shit in the first place.