>>16432047The best thing that HHH has done is shorten PPVs to 5 matches following his B&G NXT template. It allows each match to matter and feel like a big deal. Tony is a retard who, like vince BTW, tries to cram everyone he can onto every ppv to make everyone feel like PPV material, when you actually devalue the PPV as it feels like a long episode of dark. In the last 6 years I've been to 1 NXT b&G ppv, 1 AEW ppv and 1 NJPW event (the Chicago one where mox won the NJPW big belt). The >NXT takeover chicago 2 was super based, I didn't care about the main event midgets because they didn't feel like midgets in NXT and put on a wild street fight
>NJPW chicago was based, long but every match had a nice big fight feel and increased in quality to the main event>AEW is fucking weird. They tape before and after their shows. Like tony came out 6 times to ingratiate himself to the audience and beg people to stay. The fans were smark faggots yelling at the ROH wrestlers the whole time and it ended up being 6 hours of wrestling. Horrendous.