>>16461026i actually think it's been a pretty good year so far. better than last year for sure tv wise
we all know how mania season works and how much more active it is than the rest of the year, but the nubloodline stuff has actually been decently entertaining imo
the midcard scene has been fun on both brands i think, tho sami's ic reign was a bit long and they wasted both the wyatt sicks and the gable/otis feud
drew and punk was fucking phenomenal for basically 9 months of the year
cody's reign was meh but i really dont blame him because hes on the bloodline show
i wouldnt be surprised if the downswing started here to be honest, but i hope that doesnt mean the quality of the shows goes down too much.
ive enjoyed more aew this year than i ever have before.
hangman, toni, jay white. thats all ive needed.
i actually hope tony does us all a favor and gives the book to someone more rational because having two good wrestling shows would be nice.
plus itd make the shitposting on here go down hopefully.
i watched a bit of njpw but i dont really know how to rate it without weekly tv.
i enjoyed the g1 and im looking forward to wrestle kingdom.