>>16462139Among all the many intertwined narratives (WW2 haox, CRT/Civil Rights/Civil War) that the Jew Marxists used to destroy US, a distinctive one is this that you see in this post: religion as separated from morals, from law, as a separated body of rules.
Religion, morals, law, customs, was all intertwined for millennia and comes from very primitive rules about how to coexist. Humans are social at the core, without social-ness we would not be humans, so these primal rules are also at the core.
>men, take care of your children, don't abandon them or you'll be ostracizedgreat rule
>women, don't be a whore because no man will want to make a family with you if they can't ensure that you're pregnant with their child instead of a bastard, and so potentially many women would be discarded (many less babies in 99% of history where most people die young and plus by war/famine/disasters including like 505 of children; many more catladies with useless lives to be fully payed by their dying fathers)great rule
>let's cover our genitalia and separate men and women at work (lumberjack, miner, fisherman, unless you work with the women of your family in the farm like 99% of people) because we are all horny and no job will ever get donegreat rule. And so on.
Read Bastiat's "The Law" that destroys Marxist = bureaucratic = schizophrenic = Jew nohadi goy-enslaving law
>>16462751correct, moral narcissism/virtue signaling since forever for the Roman elite, written by some terrorist Jew/socialist scholar between Rome and Greek Levant, Euro elites who forced these as much as possible into their populations. 99% of people was always fully poor so they never got to practice all this kike faggotry of Christian narcissism but it didn't matter as long as they were poor, the rest of the true morals prevailed and were allowed so the poor keep producing.
Jew = Jacobin = Bolshevik = Wilson/FDR/CivilRights/KamalaHarris-ian socialism and revolutions just changed who's in charge