>>16473385imo, Dragongate has never really been able to find their next ace figure since YAMATO.
For years they tried with T-Hawk, giving him much success, from titles, to disbanding popular units to leading the next top heel faction, but fans never bought into him and he flopped on the mic. So DG was never willing to grant him that run with the Dream Gate title.
So during the 'T-Hawk push' era (2013) the Dream Gate champions are
>Shingo Takagi (2)>YAMATO (2)>Masato Yoshino (2)>Ricochet>YAMATO (3)>BxB Hulk>Masato Yoshino (3)>Shingo Tagaki (3)>Jimmy Susumu (2)>Shingo Takagi (4)>YAMATO (4)>Masaaki Mochizuki (3)>Masato Yoshino (4)YAMATO is the default ace, but him, Yoshino & Shingo are the current generation, there's no apparent heir who is going to lead DG for the next 10-15 years.
Then when T-Hawk leaves with CIMA DG tries to set up Ben-K as the next ace, PAC leaves WWE and does DG a favor and lets Ben-K go over after remaining undefeated for a year. But with Ben-K there are sort of the same problems as with T-Hawk, he isn't that good on the mic, and DG relies more on promos and comedy than most puro feds.
So we're going back to the already established guys with Naruki Doi (2) as the next champion, he loses the belt to Eita, but Eita seems to wanting to go freelance so Shun Skywalker is pushed as the next ace and given his own faction to lead. Doesn't look like they are entirely committed and turns back to YAMATO (5) to lead the promotion.
Currently it seems like they're sort of into pushing young guys, since YAMATO held it in 2021 we've had KAI, Yuki Yoshioka, Shun Skywalker (2), Madoka Kikuta, Louis Mante & Ben-K (2) as the champs, but are now back with YAMATO (6).