>>16497613I am OP.
>>16497641I'll just talk about a few guys that I like and why I like them and you can draw your own conclusions.
A recent "favorite" of this era would be Katsuhiko Nakajima. He never has to say shit on the mic to be cool. He never has to say shit on the mic to portray his character. Just from wrestling, you can tell exactly who he is. He doesn't have to try. He's just naturally cool.
Another one would be Bret Hart. He could do a simple ass shoulder block and people would cheer, because it looked good. A simple headlock would look good. He was near perfect at selling. Never had to rely on the mic to get over.
And since NPC's are talking about "charisma", I'll include one of the most charismatic wrestlers that was horrible on the mic: RVD. He always came across as a legitimate threat because he was, even though he was laid back. People would cheer him just because of his attitude. He didn't have to say shit, but was effortlessly over.
The Rock could never be over on wrestling ability. He was a nerd completely dependent on having a stage built around him and was the definition of "sports-entertainment". His moves sucked. The People's Elbow was trash. The Rock Bottom was trash. Sold like a theatre kid trying his hand at wrestling. If he was never given mic time, nobody would give a shit about him because he has no personal charisma. All he can do is run his mouth like a faggot and never came across as someone credibly dangerous that should hold the belt. He was just a minstrel show for the 20th/21st century. Low tier NPC trash.