>>16501778>But when there's clearly dirty laundry and legitimate heat thrown out there and it fucks up what you were looking to achieve and agreed to do, that's just detrimental to business.This is revisionist horseshit. It was more inside than Sunny Days. No one knew what the fuck he was talking about. Meltzer didn't go into any of it. It was just an awkward promo for an already awkward and sudden match up (because Punk's climb to the top aside form the MJF feud sucked balls) until Punk sperged out and cut the Coward Shit promo.
BTW for everyone white knighting Phil with muh professionalism and trust, Hangman was asked about Punk botching his finish TWICE, and stinking up the join on the night he wins the title, and Page actually put him over instead of being the kind of insane shithead Punk was until he had to be fired