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/pw/ Christmas Karaoke

No.16520812 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The show begins,
Empty seats,
A handful of fans,
Subhuman NEETs

Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite
Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite

The rating's in,
The number's shit,
Meltzer copes,
Tony throws a fit

Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite
Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite

The shitposts start,
Rovert squeals,
He shits his bag,
And spins his wheels

Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite
Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite

No storylines,
The booking sucks
It's Tony's fault
Him and the Bucks

Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite
Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite

Rampage is gone,
Collision's next,
No wonder Wheels is vexed

Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite
Simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite
We're simply, having, No Milly for Dynamite