>>16593770People are all different mentally. Some people handle it better than others. And it's not like this is an epidemic in joshi wrestling.
Imagine having a rock in your shoe. It's a little annoying, so you take it out and move on with your life. Ain't going to break you.
Now imagine having rocks in your shoes and you can't remove them. Every day, poking at your feet and you can't avoid it. It wears you down.
For a private person, assholes on, say, the internet is no big deal. You can just avoid it. But imagine having a job where a big part of what you do is social media presence. First month of harassment from people is fine. First year might be okay. But over time, if you're not of the type of temperament that handles such things, it wears you down. Now imagine you're prone to depression to begin with. It takes its toll.
She got out before it got too much for her because, whatever it was happening, it just made it not worth it to wrestle anymore. People quit all sorts of jobs over things like that. It's not easy for us to understand because I'm fairly sure neither you nor I have walked in her shoes. But apparently it was enough for her.
I hope she changes her mind someday but that's her business, not ours. It's not her punishing us or anything like that. It's just her wanting to live her life as happily as she can.