>>16574592Buff Bagwell should unironically have been Undertaker's wife's stalker.
>Prepares to unmask all moody>BUFF! DADDY!>Buff starts dancing and posing like a retard>Buff insists he's The Stuff and Sara must want him>Buff's mom comes in as his manager and insists her son is the most handsome man alive and Taker's wife must want him>Fuck it can make Buff's mom a bit OTT with it satisfy Vince's fetish>Taker keeps wrecking Buff>Buff keeps going >Taker tombstones Judy Bagwell>Buff and wheelchair Judy bother idk, Steve Blackman>Meanwhile DDP can actually feud with The Rock>>16577239Revisionism and Buff having literally no friends backstage/left in the business in a position of influence after 2001. He was a perfectly hateable lower mid career/midcarder and tag guy.