In a busy shopping mall, a surreal scene unfolded. Will Ospreay, the renowned professional wrestler, stood stark naked, his eyes fixed on some distant point as he began to masturbate. The surrounding crowd gasped in shock, unsure of how to react to the unexpected spectacle.
Just as it seemed like the situation couldn't get any more bizarre, a towering figure emerged from the crowd. Big Sexy Kevin Nash, a wrestling legend, strode towards Will, his face a picture of disgust.
"Will, what the hell are you doing?" Nash demanded, his voice low and authoritative. "Stop this right now."
Will, still engrossed in his actions, looked up at Nash with a mixture of defiance and desperation. "I have autism," he said, his voice shaking. "This is what autism does. You wouldn't understand."
Nash's expression turned incredulous. "That's bullshit, Will," he said, his voice firm but controlled. "Autism doesn't make you do this. You're better than this. Stop gooning, right now."
But before Nash could intervene further, a new figure appeared on the scene. Vince McMahon, the infamous WWE mogul, emerged from the crowd, a sly grin spreading across his face.
"Ah, Will, my boy," McMahon said, his voice dripping with condescension. "I see you're expressing yourself. That's what I like to see."
And with that, McMahon approached Will, who seemed frozen in place. The crowd watched in horror as McMahon began to have very unusual sex with Will.
Just as it seemed like the situation couldn't get any more out of hand, the sound of sirens echoed through the mall. Big Bossman and the Mountie had arrived, responding to frantic calls from the crowd.
As the officers rushed towards the scene, Nash shook his head in disgust. "Ground control to Major Tom. We got perverts," he muttered, turning away from the chaos.
Bossman and Mountie quickly intervened, separating McMahon and Will, and escorting them away, as Nash ignored autograph seekers and headed towards Spencer Gifts.