>>16822487The red lights plus red cage was dumb.
The fiend mask looks really stupid fully illuminated.
The fiend barely did anything, Rollins just attacked him for 10 minutes.
It buried every finisher and weapon since the fiend just got up anyway.
The ref calling Rollins "Colby". I don't think he's ever been referred to like that on TV.
Why would the ref care what two wrestlers do in a hell on a cell match? That doesn't make any sense. Wrestlers have done worse to each other in WWE without the ref stepping in.
It ended in a DQ. Again, why? We've seen guys get thrown off cages, through the stage, set on fire, and beaten to a bloody pulp. But a hammer is grounds for a DQ in a No DQ match???
Seth's gay acting.
It was built up poorly and lead to nothing. Everything Bray Wyatt did was shit.