>>16848120this but the opposite
...Afraid so
*Cue laugh track*
Ya seethe?
*Autists piss and shit their pants laughing*
Love this man like you have no idea
*spergs cum in their pants at the image of vince mcmahon*
We do say that word here
*unemployed milennials clap and fuck their genshin impact funkopop*
maybe on planet retard
*balding white faggot snorts so loud that he awakens his mother, who just came home after a 10 hour work day to support his 34 year old ass*
[extremely short sighted take about something complex]
*the retard agrees to nothing but a hedge or a shrill hyperbolic statement made sincerely, bounces on his office depot chair*
Look at this guys [posts an opinion straight from a SCjerk reddit post made 5 mins ago]
*The dysgenic retard agrees emptily*
*Dysgenic milennial retard enters a thread about something it doesnt like, like lucha, NJPW, aew, or NXT and starts having a meltdown*
(says "kek this tranny seeething!" as he seethes over people liking something it dislikes )