>>17008596I was a little jimmy in 2004 when someone showed me WMXX. Benoit winning the title had me hooked. Then I simply fell away from wrestling sometime in 2007; there was nothing to keep me engaged really.
Got back in around 2015. Buzz around NXT got me back in, and then the brand split coming back got me into the main roster again.
Stopped yet again in 2019. The show was already dogshit, but Seff, Kofi, and Becky all going over at Mania made me stop. NXT was already also dogshit with the Undisputed Manlets and Mauro Ranallo.
Got back into NXT with the 2.0 revamp and the main roster when Cody came back, and Vince was gone.
As far as everything else, I've watched a smattering of old-school, Japanese, and indie shit. Never followed anything too seriously though, except NWA Powerrr until Jim got fired. Not that, that was a huge deal on its own, but I was sick of them kowtowing to the mob. I watched MLW with some regularity for many years until COVID. I watched TNA as a kid, and then tried to get back in, which was impossible with Scott D'Amore putting belts on trannies and shit. ROH was alright, but sometimes super gay. PWG was just always super gay. LU was fun in a "based retard" kinda way.