>>17113290the only possible options are liv (more likely) and bianca (less likely)
roxanne is just here to get eyes on her but she's not winning and she'd have a 0% chance against HHH's favorite tranny anyway
she's probably there to rollup bayley, who also has no chance, and they'll have a match at mania based off that and their recent story
alexa, it was a bad decision to even put her in here. she has nothing built up for her outside of the wyatt shits and no chance, and now she'll have to eat a pin, bravo hunter.
the kweenz are sorta intertwined. naomi is a jobber to the stars at this point, she won't win anything big ever again but she can hang in the scene. if they want bianca to win, they can have jade come back and point the finger at naomi and take her out of the match, setting that up for mania. bianca vs rhea is the last really big match they can have with the girls right now. it would be horrible to do it face v face on no build up, but they could. they could also have it be bianca as the attacker and set that up. but if bianca loses, then either her or naomi is off the mania card, unless they were both complicit in jade's attack but also somehow turn on each other for a triple threat.
liv vs rhea was a dogshit feud that everyone is tired of. but it defined the women's main event story on raw for 2024. a match at mania between liv and rhea is the definitive way to cap it off and bury it forever. giving liv the chamber victory and a night 1 co-main event (that she'll lose) is sort of a consolation prize for carrying the feud as much as she could.
there's also the iyo factor to consider, as this may play into who wins. on raw, she said she'll have a match at mania. either she somehow gets in on the rhea match if liv wins (and i think she'll win if she does) or if bianca wins, i think they'll bring kairi back and have iyo/kairi vs liv/raquel for the tag belts.